174 Regulacyjne aspekty polityki ekonomicznej - dostosowania polskiej gospodarki do europejskiego i globalnego rynku
Tytuł artykułu
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The Polish Completed Transformation
Języki publikacji
Zaprezentowano główne wnioski w zakresie oceny pierwszego dziesięciolecia transformacji gospodarczej w Polsce. Przedstawiono wstępną ocenę polskiej polityki gospodarczej w latach 2000-2003. Oceniono decyzje władz w zakresie polityki gospodarczej z pierwszej połowy 2002 roku.
It is stated in the article that the Polish economic transformation has been suspended in the name of short-sighted Polish interests, immature politicians and their leaders. According to the author, the most important duty of economists (as well as lawyers) dealing with the economic policy is a reflection how this transformation can be started anew. Without a new and strong transformation impulse Poland is doomed for stagnation. Its economy will not be competitive in the European Union. One of the highest unemployment rates in Europe will not change. We will lose a lot of time again. The article deals with various aspects of the Polish systemic transformation but its certain aspects have been also omitted. No mention was made, for instance, of the so-called tax amnesty. There were not quoted examples of objections of state dignitaries towards major private investments (meanwhile the law frequently permits such objections). Instead of presenting further examples let us ponder once again what should belong to the private capital (along with its risk element) and what to the public authorities.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- „Rzeczpospolita”, 28.09.2001, s.B2
- „Rzeczpospolita”, 4.07.2002, s.B1
- „Rzeczpospolita”, 8.05.2002, s.A2
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