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2010 | z. 100 | 7--15
Tytuł artykułu

Implementacja strategii zarządzania w kontekście procesów obsługi klienta

Warianty tytułu
Implemention of Management Strategy in the Context of Customer Service Processes
Języki publikacji
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie ogólnych zasad implementacji strategii w obszarze obsługi klienta, będących swoistym przewodnikiem dla przedsiębiorstw, które w obliczu kryzysu muszą zrozumieć, że nadeszły czasy nowoczesnego klienta, znacznie bardziej wymagającego, dobrze poinformowanego, który chce być traktowany indywidualnie, co oznacza dokładne poznanie jego potrzeb, oczekiwań i preferencji. (fragment tekstu)
The fact of possessing excellent products, suitable infrastructure and even competent staff does not automatically make the client fully satisfied. What is more, these attributes may be all thwarted if the quality of customer service is not appropriate. What is decisive is the communication and interaction with the customer. The author poses a thesis that, from among a number of companies offering the same product, the customer will choose the firm that guarantees the best customer service. When purchasing products or services, the client is looking first of all for confidence, certainty, kindness and a sense of security. Priority given to customer service forces companies to formulate management strategies from the customer's perspective. In practice, it means that companies should create the strategy including key processes and simple rules to run them. The implementation of management strategy in the context of customer service includes, first of all, the segmentation of these customers for whom the customer service procedures are prepared. It is followed by the quality management whose implementation is possible due to the operation of the quality management system. Another step is constant monitoring of clients through a system of surveys which ensure the knowledge of their expectations and satisfaction in relation to service. The last step of strategy implementation seems to be the adequate training of staff responsible for customer service. (original abstract)
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