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Spatial sampling is widely applied in economic and social surveys as when, for example, population units are administrative districts in a study region, or farms in an agricultural country or areas in a city. The present chapter proposes the use of some sequential sampling schemes which may be suitable to handle the main problems of spatial sampling, i.e. the presence of spatial correlation as well as the presence of units of unequal sizes. Unfortunately, these proposals involve algebraic complications in the expressions of inclusion probabilities. Hence, the Horvitz-Thompson estimator is generally inapplicable. However, when dealing with with-frame populations and when the inclusion probabilities do not depend on the values of the interest variable in the population, the problem may be straightforwardly bypassed. Indeed, in these cases, the sample selection can be independently replicated for an adequate number of times, in such a way that the population values are quantified in the field only for the units in the first sample, while the remaining samples are used to estimate the first- and second-order inclusion probabilities on the basis of the proportion of times in which the units or the couples of units enter the selected samples. (fragment of text)
Artykuł dotyczy wykorzystania statystyki Horovitza-Thompsona do estymacji przeciętnej na podstawie próby losowanej przestrzennie w perspektywie intensywnego wykorzystania komputerów.
Opis fizyczny
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