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2008 | nr 97 | 196--214
Tytuł artykułu

Subsydiarność w ubezpieczeniach społecznych, na przykładzie zabezpieczenia emerytalnego w rozszerzonej Unii Europejskiej

Warianty tytułu
Subsidiarity in Social Insurance, on the Example of Old-Age Security in the Enlarged European Union
Języki publikacji
Przedmiotem opracowania jest zabezpieczenie emerytalne w Europie, w tym głównie w nowych państwach czlonkowskich UE, w świetle subsydiarności. W zabezpieczeniu społecznym w państwach europejskich głównym składnikiem są systemy publiczne, z reguły ubezpieczeniowe. Systemy emerytalne stanowią zdecydowanie największą część zabezpieczenia (ubezpieczenia) społecznego. Zatem analiza zabezpieczenia emerytalnego w kategoriach subsydiarności może także stanowić studium przypadku kwestii ogólniejszej - subsydiarności w ubezpieczeniach społecznych. (fragment tekstu)
Questions such as: "How much responsibility should a person have for his/her own old age?", "How much should the market and the state participate in old-age security?", "What are (should be) the relations between the society, the market and (different levels) of the state in old-age security?" have always been crucial in the analysis of this field. These are issues of subsidiarity in old-age security, although they have been extremely rarely discussed under this label. Thus, the first conclusion is that subsidiarity seems to offer an attractive approach to deal with old-age security. However not much discussed either, the EU Enlargement 2004 may have an influence on both horizontal and vertical subsidiarity in old-age security systems in the EU. As far as the horizontal subsidiarity is concerned, some of the new member states have brought into the EU a different structure of their obligatory systems, partly more market in delivering pensions, although not necessarily more personal responsibility for the old age. As regards the vertical subsidiarity, diversity and migration which increased due to enlargement may strengthen the case for more Europeanizing of that field, but on the other hand they make it even more difficult. However, modernization in the sense of moving old-age security in the direction of the market and competition may increase the competences of the EU in old-age security. The enlargement may thus influence both modernization and Europeanizing of old-age security in the European Union. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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