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2011 | nr 1 | 88--96
Tytuł artykułu

Zaufanie w ochronie zdrowia

Warianty tytułu
Trust in Health Care
Języki publikacji
Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia stan badań nad zaufaniem w ochronie zdrowia, omawia zaufanie pacjentów do świadczeniodawców (lekarzy, pielęgniarek, fizjoterapeutów itp.), instytucji ochrony zdrowia (szpitali, klinik, przychodni itp.), płatników za usługi zdrowotne (ubezpieczycieli publicznych i prywatnych, agend rządowych) i systemu ochrony zdrowia jako całości. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Trust is one of the fundamental elements of social and economic life. The fewer opportunities to control and supervise the trustee has the truster, and the more important for the truster the entrusted object is the more crucial it becomes to them. Hence, the above leads to the need for research in the field of understanding the reasons of trust and methods of its increase in health care, because health is one of the most valuable assets, which a human being has. Level of trust in physician for example, is positively correlated among others with: treatment results, compliance with treatment recommendations and medical prescriptions, willingness to use preventive care, improvements of communication between doctor and their patients and increasing of patient satisfaction. This article presents the state of research on the concept of trust in health care including among others: (1) patients' trust in health care providers (nurses, physicians, physiotherapists, etc.), health care institutions (hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinics, etc.), payers for health services (public and private insurers, government agencies) and the healthcare system as a whole; (2) dimensions of trust: agency/fidelity, competence, honesty, confidentiality, and (3) trust-related components: behavioral component of trust and attitudinal component of trust; (4) also defines concept of distrust. (original abstract)
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Opis fizyczny
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