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2008 | nr 1 | 225--237
Tytuł artykułu

Znaczenie kultury organizacyjnej dla współczesnego przedsiębiorstwa na przykładzie podmiotów województwa zachodniopomorskiego

Warianty tytułu
Signification of Organisational Culture for Modern Company - the Study of Enterprises in Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship
Języki publikacji
Celem artykułu jest analiza problemu budowania kultury organizacyjnej nastawionej na wysoką tolerancję niepewności oraz zaprezentowanie wybranych aspektów tworzenia odpowiedniej kultury w podmiotach gospodarczych województwa zachodniopomorskiego. Porównanie kilku aspektów kultury organizacyjnej oparto na badaniach przeprowadzonych w latach 2002 i 2007 w dużych przedsiębiorstwach województwa zachodniopomorskiego. (fragment tekstu)
Intangible assets contribute to value growth in contemporary enterprises. They are closely related to humans, since they can be generated in a given time and space and used to achieve a specified aim, which in turn translates into the activities undertaken by individuals in organisations and the organisational cultures which they create. The aim of this paper is to present the problem of developing organisational culture oriented at a high tolerance of uncertainty and discuss selected aspects of developing appropriate cultures in business entities in Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship. The comparison and contrast of several aspects concerning organisational cultures has been based on the research carried out in the years 2002 and 2007 in big enterprises in Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship. The research focused only on selected factors concerning organisational culture, and related mainly to the acceptance and stability of a strong organisational culture in a company, and the level of employees' and management's satisfaction from the development of this culture. The results obtained point out only to a great significance of shaping organisational culture in contemporary organisations. Managers should pay still more attention to the great impact of an appropriate atmosphere among the staff on their ability to exchange knowledge and experience, and generate new knowledge in the company, thus creating intellectual potential of individual employees and the intellectual capital of the entire organisation to increase the company's market value. (original abstract)
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