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2012 | nr 208 | 217
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Statystyczne funkcje głębi w odpornej analizie ekonomicznej

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The Statistical Functions of Depth in Robust Economic Analysis
Języki publikacji
W pracy przedstawiono 12 oryginalnych propozycji autora dotyczących zastosowania koncepcji głębi do rozwiązania konkretnych problemów statystycznych, mających istotne znaczenie w badaniach ekonomicznych. W niniejszej pracy skorzystano z darmowego środowiska do obliczeń statystycznych, jakim jest R, oraz z wielu pakietów dodatkowych wymienionych i krótko opisanych w aneksie, a także z algorytmów zaproponowanych przez autora. (fragment teksu)
This dissertation presents the possibilities for conducting economic research using data-depth induced statistical procedures. The concept of data depth is an example of a modern approach to robust multivariate statistical analysis that connects the formal rigour of classical statistical analysis with the wealth of graphic intuitive techniques used in explorative data analysis. The book is geared to readers interested in both working on concepts themselves and applying them in the science of economics. While using robust statistical methods in researching economic phenomena is not yet a widespread practice, the author hopes to convince the reader of the need to change this state of affairs. The first two chapters guide the reader through issues connected with research on the robustness of statistical procedures that employs computer simulation and also the issues behind the concept of data depth. In the third chapter I propose non-parametric measures of a random vector scatter with the assistance of projection-depth induced scale curve. The fourth chapter illustrates how to use the concept of regression depth in the estimation of simple mixed linear model parameters. The fifth chapter proposes a robust classifier that uses projection depth and a method of measuring the robustness of the classification rule with the help of the finite sample breakdown point adopted for this purpose. The sixth chapter offers the author's proposals on robust parameter estimation for the ARMA and GARCH models and the change point of trends. Robustness with respect to research phenomena that take place in time is a particularly important issue for economists while at the same time being relatively under-researched in terms of methodology. The good properties of the proposed statistical procedures are therefore deserving of particular attention. (short original abstract)
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