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Języki publikacji
Artykuł rozpoczyna przegląd publikacji naukowych na temat współdziałania przedsiębiorstw.W dalszej części zaprezentowane zostały wybrane wyniki badań współpracy podejmowanej przez polskie przedsiębiorstwa. Na tym tle przedstawiono rezultaty badania intensywności współpracy z różnymi typami partnerów, nawiązywanej przez średniej wielkości przedsiębiorstwa funkcjonujące w Polsce.
Intercompany cooperation was one of the major issues discussed in the international publications during the last 15 years. The Authors concentrated mostly on strategic alliances of all kinds, virtual and other networks, cooperative innovations, value chain collaboration. More recently such problems as competition and cooperation with numerous customers (crowdsourcing) have started to be of interest. The discussion is however sometimes on a general level lacking the empirical findings. The paper analyses the relevant literature on the subject published both, internationally and in Poland. The majority of publications by Polish authors suggest that Polish companies are generally reluctant to work in partnerships. This is probably true; however, there are needed more empirical verifications of the situation in this respect, as there may be differences between the companies as to their willingness to cooperate and actual collaboration engagement. The article problem area is connected with the possible differences in cooperation intensiveness among medium-sized companies in Poland. All of 205 researched companies were involved in some kind of international operations. The intensiveness of cooperation was operationalised by calculating the average number of Polish and foreign partners and the length of cooperative relations for the segments of researched companies. The segments were identified on the basis of such criteria as: capital source, number of employees, company's age, length of engagement in international operations, form of this engagement. Six hypotheses were formulated and tested. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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