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Non Ethical Activities of Retailers Decreasing Quality of Food Products in the Final Buyers' Opinions
Języki publikacji
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z nieetycznym postępowaniem detalistów. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań ankietowych, którymi objęto 500 osób z terenu województwa lubelskiego. Z badań wynika, że klienci zauważają nieuczciwe praktyki detalistów. W pracy wymieniono również nieuczciwe działania stosowane przez detalistów.
In the article the retailers' non ethical activities influencing on decreasing food quality were presented. On the base of the results of the field empirical researches the most visible for respondents dishonest activities of retailers were identified. In the next part of the article three of them were analyzed with details because of their biggest influence on quality of food products. The special attention was paid to types of shops where respondents had been experienced these practices. Traditional shops and hipermarkets were estimated as the worst retailers. Different respondents' reactions because of mentioned practices were analyzed too. This analysis showed that they were rather passive as the participants of market. (original abstract)
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