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In this paper, the author aimed to describe the problem of the internationalisation of small and medium-sized companies in terms of export barriers. A few topics presented herein could be developed in further research, especially in dedicating more focus to the interface between export behaviours and entrepreneurship. It could prove very interesting to study how the two remaining domains of entrepreneurship - namely, innovativeness and proactiveness - relate to international efforts and how they decrease obstacles encountered in international markets. While in recent years the first such attempts are being observed, this field still remains relatively unexplored. It is also expected that the internationalisation of Polish SMEs will progress due to the growing dependence of the Polish economy on the international economy and the effects of accession to the European Union. New patterns of internationalisation of companies are expected to emerge. It seems likely that more mature methods of internationalisation, such as licensing agreements and especially direct investment, will play increasingly important roles. Recently, the first such steps are in evidence. For example, many SMEs have undertaken production in Russia and the Ukraine. (fragment of original text)
- Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
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