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For Poland to be able to obtain in the future greater benefits from FDI flow than it does now, the government must prepare a long-term active policy in this area. It is not a question here by any means of restricting the market but of assisting it. Hitherto allocation mechanisms have not adequately geared foreign investors towards hi-tech industry, i.e., areas of key importance for the structural modernisation of the Polish economy. They have also failed to direct investors to those areas where foreign investments are most needed due to high unemployment rates. For this very reason, steps should also be taken to ensure that foreign investors play a role in implementing the strategic development goals of the country. Analysis of the statistical material shows that European Union countries are an important source of foreign capital flow in Poland (until mid-1999 European Union states invested USD 20,530.9 million, which amounts to 64% of all investments). (fragment of original text)
- Cracow University of Economics, Poland
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- Inwestycje zagraniczne w Polsce [Foreign Investment in Poland], IKCHZ, Warsaw 1999, p. 9.
- Inwestycje zagraniczne w Polsce [Foreign investment in Poland], Warsaw: IKCHZ, 1997, p. 21.
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- See "Pięćsetka Polityki'98" [Polityka's top 500 of 1998], Supplement to Polityka, No 22,1999.
- Source: The List of Major Foreign Investors in Poland, 30 June 1999, PAIZ.
- The prevailing view among economists that foreign investments increase with economic growth finds significant confirmation in Poland's case. See Kopeć, U. (1998) Bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne w gospodarce światowej i w krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej [Foreign direct investment in Central and East European countries]. Warsaw: IKCHZ, p. 187.
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