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2001 | no 1 | 157--174
Tytuł artykułu

The Polish Intelligentsia and the Challenge of the New Economy

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What will be the future of the Polish intelligentsia? This will depend on two factors, whose effects we may soon become acquainted with. The first is the nature of the educational programme that will form the educated people of the future. Will this be narrow and specialist? Or wide-ranging, with a sound humanistic base? The second factor concerns the needs of the new economy. The outcome of teaching what is known as specialised professional knowledge at higher education institutions would appear only to be a supply of narrowly educated specialists. And yet the advocates of the highly qualified labour market are more and more often demanding graduates with a broad education and with the necessary skills and ability to cope with new challenges. If their voices are heard, schools and universities may return to their old task of turning out people with a well-rounded education. What is certain, is that they will not be the intelligentsia of old, but a class who will develop many features of the traditional intelligentsia and gain personal satisfaction from invoking the role of the intelligentsia as an example to follow. (fragment of original text)
Opis fizyczny
  • Cracow University of Economics, Poland
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