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The position of women in the labour market during the transformation period is the result of many factors. Early sociological discourse discussed women's issues in the analytical context of family and marriage. The crucial concept of the functional tradition concentrated on the effective functionality of society, maintaining social order and supporting societal development. According to this concept, society was a system composed of a number of elements. Each of these parts had a certain function (or functions) to perform, and each was "useful" to society; all of society and its aspirations remained in equilibrium. Family, the government, the educational system, religion, the economy are subsystems that interact with one another. Each part of the social structure and each social group may be considered as more or less "useful" for the attainment of social goals (such as survival, balance, development). Relations among members of society and institutions are based on a system of commonly held values. The approval of values and the existing social order formed the foundation of social integration and stability. The socialisation process underway in institutions (family, school, church) -reinforced by cultural statements and economic and legal systems - provided the basis for "consensus" on the values and the existing social order. (fragment of original text)
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