nr 33 Aktualne zmiany w rachunkowości : ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem problematyki inwestycji
Tytuł artykułu
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Accounting Terminology - an Issue of the Synonymous Aspects in the Description of the Streams of the Financial Result and Current Liquidity
Języki publikacji
Omówiono zasadnicze aspekty terminologii w odniesieniu do wyniku finansowego i płynności finansowej.
Like any other discipline, accounting has its own terms and concepts. Financial reports are based on these concepts and the information in the reports is expressed in the accounting terms. Earning profits and paying debts are two important objectives of the business entities. Solvency and profitability are provided by the financial statements. In these cases such terms as revenue, expens, expenditure, cost, outlory of money are used. In order to make the decisions concerning the economic choices it is nessesary to understand the accounting concepts and terms. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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