Warianty tytułu
International Logistics in Global Economy
Języki publikacji
Coraz większa część logistyki miedzynarodowej przybiera globalny charakter w ślad za wzrostem wielkości obrotów miedzy głównymi ośrodkami gospodarczymi świata położonymi na różnych kontynentach. Rosnąca skala przestrzenna współczesnej wymiany międznarodowej kryje w sobie wiele negatywnych symptomów, do których zaliczają się zbędne lub nieudolnie wykonywane operacje, puste przebiegi, przestoje, chaotyczne i rozproszone procesy, zawyżone koszty działań i straty uczestników tej wymiany. Skuteczny arsenał środków pozwalających eliminować te negatywy tworzony jest w ramach coraz bardziej zaawansowanych systemów logistyki globalnej. (fragment tekstu)
In 2009, international turnover on the world logistics market amounted to 8010 million tonne, of which the exchange between the four main economies accounted for 2 800 million tonne. In comparison the internal exchange achieved the level of 5210 million tonne. According to Data Monitor 2008, the turnover of the global logistics-transport market reached a value of 3566 billion USD, of which the outsourcing logistics was 836,5 billion USD. The global logistics market is characterized by a high level of concentration, represented by a group of leaders (led by Deutsche Post DHL) focused on a constant increase in mergers and acquisitions' share. Estimates of the logistics costs in the global economy indicate a systematic percentage drop in relation to the GDP (in 2008 they accounted for about 11,7% of the GDP). Above 1/3 of these logistics costs are generated by outsourcing logistics and 2/3 of internal logistics of manufacturing enterprises. The relation of logistics costs to the GDP varies significantly in different parts of the world, and is higher in the developing countries than in the developed countries with their economy based on the highly processed products. At present, the international trade is mainly operated by global logistics networks which as hybrid groups of operators are able to cheaply manage large streams of freights and, on the other hand, local operators flexible to adapt to the needs of individual users. Logistics is an example of a sector of economy that creates a high demand for innovative solutions in four areas: (a) transport technologies; (b) techniques and organization of storage and handling; (c) computerization of the management of global supply chains; (d) technologies for the identification and data collection. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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