nr 72 Finanse publiczne i finanse przedsiębiorstw wobec światowego kryzysu gospodarczego
Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Risk Management as Strategic and Operational Support of the Organization of the Public Finance Sector
Języki publikacji
Celem referatu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie: jak powinna prawidłowo przebiegać identyfikacja i analiza ryzyka oraz monitorowanie ryzyk w ramach realizacji zarządzania ryzykiem w Urzędzie Kontroli Skarbowej w Opolu, aby niwelować możliwość wystąpienia ryzyka i doprowadzić do osiągnięcia przez Urząd założonych celów strategicznych i operacyjnych.(fragment tekstu)
Risk management is a new element of organization management, therefore, is should be a part of strategic management of each organization. Despite the fact that risk management obligation exists, many organizations do not implement it because of the lack of settlements and hints concerning this area. Many authors of the publications in the scope of risk management describe process rules using banks or private companies as examples that have other characteristics than entities of the public finance sector. It is rare that an entity of public finance sector is described and if it is a process of the risk management it will finish on the risk record formation which is for the author an initial phase for the detailed process conduction. This paper presents the significance of the risk management for the entity of public finance sector. It has been described by using the Treasury Control Office in Opole as an example of a model solution in the scope of the risk management starting from the risk management team appointment through the process of risk identification, process paths formation, entrusting the identified risk fields to individual member of a team, the risk analysis and process monitoring as a final stage. A significance of the risk management of the Treasury Control Office has been justified. Moreover, on the basis of the implemented process of the risk management process, the benefits have been presented. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- Wiliams C.A. i inni: Zarządzanie ryzykiem a ubezpieczenia. PWN, Warszawa 2002
- Zarządzanie ryzykiem w sektorze publicznym. Podręcznik wdrożenia systemu zarządzania ryzykiem w administracji publicznej w Polsce. Bentley Jennison, Ministerstwo Finansów Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, Transition Facility 2004/016-829.01.08, s. 27
Typ dokumentu
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