Warianty tytułu
Factors of Polish, French and Danish Culture Influencing Development of Confidence and Transfer of Knowledge among Network Enterprises
Języki publikacji
Artykuł nawiązuje do związku czynników kulturowych z procesami ekonomicznymi, analizując wpływ kultury narodowej na budowanie zaufania wśród partnerów biznesowych i w następstwie - transfer wiedzy między nimi. Autorka bada, jakie wymiary kultury sprzyjają dzieleniu się wiedzą wśród partnerów sieci, a jakie ten proces hamują. (fragment tekstu)
Cultural differences between partners decide to a considerable degree about success of a given network link. In its initial part the article contains a review of the related literature and presents the most significant assumptions concerning a business network. Further on the author presents the problem of confidence and the transfer of knowledge among partners with particular attention paid to the factors which influence effective flow of information among all participants of the network. In the subsequent part the article describes some elements of culture which facilitate confidence and flow of information. Presentation of the characteristics of the Polish, French and Danish culture as regards the chosen dimensions shows cultural differences between those countries. The final part of the article presents theoretical conclusions as to which culture promotes the transfer of knowledge most effectively. It also contains some recommendations concerning the transfer of knowledge within a network enterprise. (original abstract)
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