Warianty tytułu
Conditions of Realizing Total Fertility by Professionally Active Mothers
Języki publikacji
Badania autorki, oparte na własnej dokumentacji źródłowej, pozwalają stwierdzić, iż zdecydowana większość kobiet będących w okresie prokreacji deklaruje zakończenie swojej aktywności rozrodczej, przy czym im gorsza była materialna sytuacja rodziny oraz niższy poziom wykształcenia kobiet, tym częściej rezygnowały one z dalszego macierzyństwa. (fragment tekstu)
The aim of this paper was to recognize procreative intentions of working and non-working mothers, reasons for limited fertility in a family and also to show how differentiation within a given demographic and social-vocational feature is related with unwillingness to have children in the future and the most important reasons for such a decision. The research was based on the authors own sources obtained from questionnaires carried out by the Centre of Family Studies at the University of Economics in Poznań. This research included 3092 families and was conducted in 1999. The results showed that vast majority of mothers representing families in the phase of development (2.0) had already finished their procreative activity. Unwillingness to give birth to another child was declared by 69.3% of the married women. The attitude of women to have more children was differentiated in particular sub-phases of the propreative phase. The further the phase of family development is, the higher is the share of mothers who resign from further procreation. Both in the families of working and non-working mothers, along with the growth in the number of children in a family, grows the percentage of mothers who declare that their procreative activity is over. There is a clear declining tendency in the percentage of mothers resigning from having more children while considering the transition from the longest lasting marriages to the youngest couples. The lower the level of education, the more intense is the unwillingness to have more children. As a rule the worse the material situation of a family is, the more frequently mothers resign from further materinity. The main motivation for unwillingness to have children in the future was the fact that mothers considered the number of children they had as sufficient. This argument was first of all used by married mothers with children of job- preparation age (2.3). As regards frequency the second reason for limiting fertility in a family was the increase of material costs of bringing up a child. This reason was the most important for mothers with children of pre-school age (2.1). In this sub-population of families this argumentation ranked first on the list of most frequently mentioned reasons to limit fertility, both in the group of working and non-working mothers. A subsequent reason for the negative decision quoted by mothers was difficulties in combining professional activity with child care. This reason was most often mentioned by professionally active mothers. (original abstract)
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