Warianty tytułu
Spatial Differentiation in the Number and Structure of Disabled People in the Light of Census
Języki publikacji
Celem opracowania jest ukazanie: rozmieszczenia osób niepełnosprawnych według województw, zmian ich liczby w latach 1978-2002 w ujęciu przestrzennym, natężenia niepełnosprawności według rodzaju niepełnosprawności, wieku oraz województw; oraz zweryfikowanie hipotezy, że niepełnosprawność, w związku z tym, iż powiązana jest z czynnikami zdrowotnymi, ekonomicznymi, warunkami życia w danym środowisku, zależy od miejsca zamieszkania w ujęciu województw i w przekroju miasto - wieś. Dla realizacji celu badawczego wykorzystano dane z Narodowych Spisów Powszechnych Ludności, przeprowadzonych w Polsce w latach 1978, 1988 i 2002. (fragment tekstu)
Disability is considered to be one of the most important social problems in Poland today. The aim of the article is to present distribution, dynamics of changes and intensity of this phenomenon according to voivodships. The source of information was the data from National Census carried out in Poland in the years 1978, 1988 and 2002. The studies show spatial differentiation of the disabled people. Most of them (above 10% of the total number of the disabled) were found in Małopolskie, Mazowieckie and Sląskie voivodships, whereas the least of them (below 5%) lived in Opolskie, Podlaskie, Lubuskie, Swiętokrzyskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie and Zachodniopomorskie voivodships. In the major part of voivodships disability affects mainly rural population. In the years 1978- 2002 the number of disabled people more than doubled. The dynamics of changes as regards voivodships and the place of residence (city- country) was differentiated. The growth in the number of the disabled in the year 2002 as compared with 1978 was bigger in villages than in towns. The research also revealed spatial differentiation of the disabled people as regards the type and extent of disability. The analysis of age structure showed that disability aggravates along with age. Disability was the least intense in the youngest age group (0-17 years) whereas it was the most intense in the oldest groups (45-59 years, 60 years and above). Thus disability in the spatial approach is differentiated according to demographic features (age) and social features (place of residence). (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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