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Celem tego artykułu jest ukazanie polityki banku Anglii w latach 2001-2012 w okresie wzrostu i recesji w zakresie nieruchomości i podstawowych wskaźników ekonomicznych, jak PKB, inflacja, stopa procentowa. (fragment tekstu)
In the economically developed world, in 2008 the banking system fell into a serious crisis. In response to this situation, regulators and central banks have focused on building a more stable banking system for the future through better leverage. The system was supposed to be more fluid and better supervised. The outlook for the financial services industry is closely linked to the macro-economic outlook for the UK. Financial services for businesses and consumers have a significant effect on the changes in the economy. In difficult economic times, many households have lower incomes and their personal finances shrink under the influence of macro-economic changes, such as fiscal consolidation and higher inflation. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
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- Urząd Statystyczny Wielkiej Brytanii http://www.statistics.gov.uk/hub/economy/prices -output-and-productivity/price-indices-and-inflation/index.html
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- http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/
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