nr 72 Finanse publiczne i finanse przedsiębiorstw wobec światowego kryzysu gospodarczego
Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Russian Financial System in Relation to the Global Economic Crisis - Government Efforts to Stabilize the Banking Sector
Języki publikacji
Kryzys finansowy w Rosji w dużej mierze wynika ze specyfiki rosyjskiej gospodarki, a prowadzona przez Kreml polityka dodatkowo wywoływała problemy. Wydarzenia polityczno-gospodarcze, począwszy od konfliktu w koncernie naftowym TNK-BP, przez nagonkę premiera Putina na prezesa holdingu energetycznego za zaniżanie wartości węgla sprzedawanego za granicę, aż po wybuch wojny rosyjsko-gruzińskiej w sierpniu 2008 roku spowodowały paniczną ucieczkę inwestorów zagranicznych z rynku.(fragment tekstu)
In January 2010 the World Economic Forum published its report on the future of the global financial system in which several scenarios of the development and new division of the powers in the world following the sub-prime crisis have been presented. One of them, more and more frequently considered by the economists, includes an assumption stating that the BRIC group (Brazil-Russia-India-China) will have become a dominant power in the world-wide market by 2020. It seems that this theory is confirmed by the announcement of the Russian government of 2008 stating that by 2013 Russia will have undertaken the actions aimed at moving its investments from Europe to South-East Asia and to take some efforts to make Moscow become a new economic center of the world. Still in the early autumn of 2008 the Russian authorities mutually declared that the sub-prime financial crisis would not affect the Russian economy, however in October the same year 50 billion USD were brought out of Russia. The symptoms of the economic breakdown that had been ignored at the beginning became stronger, causing next bankrupt declarations and forcing the Russian government to undertake extensive actions to support banking sector and prevent expansion of the crisis. The aim of this document is to describe the peculiarity of the Russian market perfomance, the undertaken regulatory actions and financial interventions of the state to counteract the crisis. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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