Warianty tytułu
Level and Structure of Allocation of EU Funds for Agricultural Sector in New EU Countries
Języki publikacji
Artykuł zawiera analizę poziomu i struktury rozdysponowania środków unijnych zaplanowanych dla sektora rolnego w nowych krajach członkowskich według wybranych kryteriów. Wykazano, że relacje określające ogólną sumę środków na PROW na lata 2004-2006 przypadającą na 1 gospodarstwo, 1 osobę zatrudnioną w sektorze oraz na 1 ha użytków rolnych są najniższe dla Polski. (fragment tekstu)
In the paper allocation of the EU funds for agricultural sector in the new EU countries was presented. Volume of direct payments in relation to farm, to 1 ha of agriculture area and to 1 person employed in analyzed sector was compared. Farmers in Czech Republic receive the highest funds in relation to a farm and in Hungary these funds were the highest in relation to 1 ha of agriculture area and to 1 person employed. Latvia is characterized by the lowest volumes of these indicators. Analyze of overall sum of funds for RDP 2004-2006 in relation to 1 farm, 1 person employed and 1 ha of AA showed that these indicators are the lowest for Poland. The highest funds in relation to 1 farm and to 1 person employed receive farmers in Slovak Republic and in relation to 1 ha of AA in Slovenia. In 2004 direct payments from the I Pillar of the CAP and the RDP funds in relation to GVA were on the level from 20,4% in Lithuania to 54,0% in Latvia. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- Rozszerzenie Unii Europejskiej a rolnictwo. Szanse i zagrożenia, 2004 www.foeeurope.org/agriculture/publications
- Rural Development Plan for Latvia for the Implementation of the Rural Development Programme 2004-2006, Ministry of Agriculture of Republic of Latvia, Riga 2004, s. 129, 136
- Rural Development Plan 2004-2006 Lithuania, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius 2004
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