Warianty tytułu
Multi-Aspect Approach to the Value of Industry Products on the Example of Metallurgical Products Offered to Institutional Clients
Języki publikacji
Wartość artykułów przemysłowych dla klienta na rynku instytucjonalnym jest pakietem korzyści oferowanych mu przez producenta. Nabywcy artykułów przemysłowych zwracają uwagę na kryteria techniczne, ekonomiczne i marketingowe nabywanych produktów hutniczych. Zidentyfikowanie wartości klientowskiej wymaga, z jednej strony współpracy producentów z nabywcami wyrobów, ponieważ nie zawsze klienci instytucjonalni są świadomi wszystkich korzyści, jakie mogą otrzymać w procesie zakupu, z drugiej ciągłej analizy oczekiwań klientów instytucjonalnych, pod kątem nowych aspektów wartości (należy monitorować potrzeby klientów instytucjonalnych). Takie ujęcie pozwala przygotować producentom konkurencyjną ofertę sprzedaży, opartą na obopólnych korzyściach, osiąganych w realizowanych transakcjach handlowych. (fragment tekstu)
The enterprises, which wish to function successfully on the market, must manufacture products which allow their clients to maximize the value. In case of the market of industrial products a big group of customers are institutional clients or other economic units, which purchase goods and services in order to use them in production of highly processed products and/or take part in the process of their distribution to the target clients. Particular enterprises build chain links in industrial products production and distribution chain. This huge group of customers enables the producers to realize their basic function which is manufacturing. That is why the direct producers are interested in the assurance of quality to clients on the institutional market. In return to the received values the clients generate money which assures profitability of the transaction. In the production enterprises which function on the Polish market, the assumption of the client orientation required restructuring. The evolution process of changes in Polish metallurgy sector is presented in this article, taking into consideration two types of economy, which is central planning and market economy. Statistic data considering the steel production size in the years 1950-2009 is put together here and particular phases of restructuring of sector in the period from 1992 to 2009 are highlighted. The key actions undertaken in the sector in order to assure the value to the clients on the institutional market were analysed. It is underlined in the article that the modern understanding of the value must be looked at very broadly and with consideration of elements, which constitute the value directly (the product and its features) and the elements which indirectly influence it (mutual trust of the participants of transaction and partnership relations). The issue of diverse reception of the value by particular groups of metallurgy products customers was emphasized. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Politechnika Śląska
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Typ dokumentu
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