Warianty tytułu
Yield of the Asury Bonds and Alternative Forms of Investing in Conditions of Reductions of Interest Rates in Poland in Year 2000-2003
Języki publikacji
Strukturę polskiego rynku kapitałowego dobrze odzwierciedla najbardziej rozwinięty jego segment - publiczny obrót papierami wartościowymi. Ponad połowę obrotów Giełdy papierów artościowych w warszawie stanowi rynek akcji., mniejsze znaczenie ma rynek obligacji. W warunkach polskiego rynku kapitałowego wyraźnie zauważa się , że emitenci papierów wartościowych preferują emisje akcji. Rynek obligacji do niedawna ograniczał wyłącznie do oblgacji skarbowych i był słabo rozwinięty. Tymczasem w warunkach obniżania się stóp procentowych NBP, właśnie gwarantujące pewny dochód obligacje powinny cieszyć się największym zainteresowaniem inwestorów. (fragment tekstu)
Capital market in Poland is still in stage of growth and transformation. Its mainly developed sector is public turnover in stock papers in which predominating role plays stock market. Treasury bonds market is weakly developed and its turnover amounts hardly 13% of turnover at the stock market. Therefore investors more often decide to invest their financial means in very risky stock, profitable during boom, than in treasury securities that are characterized by stable, but lower yield. Meanwhile during past three years investors were exposed to operation of many factors particularly macro-economic, which significantly effected the level of rates of return received by them. Decrease of growth rate of country, changes of currency rates, high level of deficit of current account, but particularly, important reduction of levels of central bank's interest rates were causing fluctuations of rates of return from investment made by investors. The aim of this paper was to indicate, that in conditions of instable financial situation in Poland, particularly at considerable changes of level of interest rates on financial markets, not only do treasury bonds turn out to be the safest (because of the issuer), but also the most profitable instrument of capital investment. Within last three years the average rate of return from investment in treasury bonds considerably exceeded yield of alternative form of assigning of financial means, such as investment at stock market, in units of participations of investments funds, in foreign currencies or bank deposits. And despite the fact that yield of investment in treasury securities also gradually fell off during decrease of interest rates on financial markets, however, the rate of return from this kind of investment was characterized by greatest stability than in case of other, periodically more profitable investment. Then perhaps, guarantee of revenue, received from treasury bond, as well as high safety of such investment, particularly in conditions of fitting of new emissions of these securities to the needs of investors, to the situation at financial markets and general economic situation of our country, will be contributive to development of treasury bonds' market and it will cause, that they will become leading instrument in which investors will locate their financial means. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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