Tytuł artykułu
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Multi-Agent System to Supply Chain Configuration in Computer Industry
Języki publikacji
W artykule przedstawiono model systemu wieloagentowego DyConSC, który bazuje na teorii grafów. Ułatwia on przede wszystkim dynamiczne konfigurowanie łańcucha dostaw w branży komputerów osobistych. Prototyp modelu posłużył też do przeprowadzenia eksperymentów symulacyjnych, których nadrzędnym celem było przedstawienie przebiegu konfigurowania łańcucha dostaw w sieci przedsiębiorstw oraz zbadanie wpływu zmian parametrów wejściowych na zachowanie i charakterystykę konfigurowanych łańcuchów dostaw. (fragment tekstu)
There are two main contributions of the work presented in this paper. The first one is a particular approach to adapting multi-agent system and graph algorithms to the supply chain configuration in personal computer industry. The DyConSC model is described. The next contributions are the simulation experiments carried out in the NetLogo platform. The DyConSC (Dynamic Configuration of Supply Chain) model is based on the software agents. This model is adapted from and extended here with the graph theory. It is mainly aimed at building dynamic and flexible temporary supply chains. Nowadays it is especially important because customer demand, production lines and distribution network frequently change. This model enables each entity of the supply chain to independently adjust their plans in such a way that they become optimal both within one enterprise and the whole supply chain. Such a supply chain may be successfully realized by agent oriented systems. Agents representing various enterprises from particular tiers cooperate with one another, coordinate and negotiate conditions to achieve the common goal whereas every agent may try to attain the target of the individual user delegating it. Thanks to that optimizing supply chains holistically and obtaining significant benefits for the final customer become attainable, even if supply chain partners have differing objectives, perspectives and processes. In order to check the capabilities of supply chain configuration and its effectiveness the simulations of the DyConSC model in the NetLogo (a cross-platform multi-agent programmable modeling platform) were carried out. The assumptions and environment of the modeling system are discussed. The experiment simulations are described, too. In the last section of this paper the results of the simulations and the findings are provided. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
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