Tytuł artykułu
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An Assessment of Factors Conditioning the Shape of Knowledge Based Organization
Języki publikacji
Zasadniczym celem artykułu jest wskazanie i ocena czynników, które warunkują kształtowanie organizacji opartej na wiedzy. Analizę przeprowadzono metodą Invest, którą opracowali M. Pearn, C. Roderick, Ch. Mulrooney. Służy ona do diagnozowania zdolności organizacji do uczenia się oraz określenia, na jakim etapie znajduje się ona w procesie zdobywania i transferu wiedzy. Podstawą metody jest sześcioobszarowy model organizacji uczącej się, przedstawiony w części dotyczącej omówienia wyników przeprowadzonych badań. Analizę determinantów tworzących omawiany model organizacji oparto na 85 wywiadach przeprowadzonych za pomocą kwestionariusza na losowo wybranej próbie menedżerów w pierwszym kwartale 2009 roku. (fragment tekstu)
The article presents the nature and character of factors shaping knowledge based organization. The Author points to the elements determining development of organizations of this type showing potential for gaining competitive advantage within the framework of new type of organizational culture. The paper presents the results of studies conducted on a randomly chosen group of 85 managers of various levels, who assessed the importance of individual determinants which affect the shape of a learning organization. Analysis of the obtained results points to a significant influence of organizational structure as the vital element determining creation of an organization open to knowledge (average indications 6.12). The respondents pointed to a necessity to create multifunctional teams realizing the predetermined tasks (similar to matrix structures), but also indicated a possibility to use a considerable autonomy at simultaneous possibly flat organizational structure. The other highly estimated factor was a vision of learning (average estimation 5.84) progressing down the organizational structure from the offices of higher and medium level managers. At this point the respondents indicated also a possibility of actual shaping future on individual managerial levels. A group of factors connected with the learning process was also highly estimated (5.80). As most important were considered the staff openness and receptiveness to new ideas, determining and assistance in realization of vision of personal development, but also provisions and encouragements motivating the employees for active participation in the learning process. A set of elements associated with pro-development culture of the organization was slightly less valued (5.72). In this case emphasized were: the necessity of creating open culture based on respect and mutual trust, but also free expressing and sharing opinions on the organization problems. The factor without any marked influence was considered the potential of frequent experimenting without serious defeats as consequence, which may show a slightly passive approach of the managers to risk management. In the respondents' opinion the other factors have a definitely lesser influence on creating the discussed organizational form, although attention should be paid to activities aimed at justification of the sense of acquiring new skills and upgrading the hitherto applied methods - as a part of learning support strategy, where professional trainers must play a key role to facilitate the learning process in the framework of programmes adjusted to the potential and profile of individual organization. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie
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Typ dokumentu
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