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Analiza tez odnoszących się zarówno do rozwoju gospodarki chińskiej, jak i funkcjonowania na rynku chińskim korporacji rodzimych oraz zachodnich dała pewną perspektywę zmian, jakim podlega rynek chiński w ostatnich latach, co pokazuje, iż wiele zjawisk i charakterystyk tego rynku obserwowanych w początkowej fazie jego rozwoju ulega przekształceniom czy odwróceniu. Powoli następuje upodabnianie się niektórych tendencji do tych obserwowanych na rynkach zachodnich... (fragment tekstu)
Opis fizyczny
- Akademia Ekonomiczna im. Karola Adamieckiego w Katowicach
- J. Kubicka: Rozwój gospodarczy Chin w dobie globalizacji - wybrane aspekty. AE, Katowice 2010, s. 1-279.
- J. Kubicka: Proces europeizacji chińskich korporacji. W: Procesy globalizacji, internacjonalizacji i integracji w warunkach współczesnej gospodarki światowej - wybrane problemy. T. 1. Red. T. Sporek. s. 437-452.
- J. Kubicka: Outsourcing w Chinach konkurencją dla Indii? W: Świat, Europa i Polska w dobie współczesnych przemian gospodarczych. T. 1. Red. T. Sporek. s. 75-85.
- M. Kotabe, C.X. Jiang, J.Y. Murray: Managerial ties, knowledge acguisition, realized absorptive capacity and new product market perfomance of emerging multinational companies: a case of China. "Journal of World Business" 2010, 5 May, s. 1-11.
- M.B. Teagarden, D.H. Cai: Learning from Dragons who are learning from us: developmental lessons from China's global companies. "Organizational Dynamics" 2009, Vol. 38, No 1, s. 74.
- P.E. Tolentino: Home country macroeconomic factors and outward FDI of China and India. "Journal of International Management" 2010, Vol. 16, s. 102-120.
- Ch. Tuan, L.F.Y.Ng, B. Zhao: China's posteconomic reform growth: the role of FDI and productivity. "Journal of Asian Economics" 2009, Vol. 20, s. 280-293.
- E.S. Prasad, R.G. Rajan: Modernizing China's growth paradigm. "American Economic Journal" 2006, Vol. 96, No 2.
- Z. Liang: Financial development market deregulation and growth: evidence from China. "Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies" 2005, No 3, Iss. 3, s. 247-262.
- J. Kubicka: Trajektorie internacjonalizacji korporacji chińskich i indyjskich. Katowice 2010, s. 1-33 (maszynopis).
- J. Knoerich: Gaining from the global ambitions of emerging economy enterprises: an analysis of the decision to sell a German firm to a Chinese acquirer. "Journal of International Management" 2010, Vol. 16, s. 177-191.
- P. Deng: Why do Chinese firms tend to acquire strategic assets in international expansion? "Journal of World Business" 2009, Vol. 44, s. 78.
- Sh. Malhotra, K. Sivakumar, PengCheng Zhu: A comparative analysis of the role of national culture on foreign market acquisitions by U.S. firms and firms from emerging countries. "Journal of Business Research" 2010, January, s. 1-9.
- Y. Luo, Q. Xue, B. Han: How emerging market governments promote outward FDI: experience from China. "Journal of World Business" 2010, Vol. 45, s. 1-74.
- J.P.H. Fan, R. Morck, L.C. Xu, B. Yeung: Institutions and foreign direct investment: China versus the rest of the World. "World Development" 2009, Vol. 37, No 4, s. 855-856.
- Ch-En Bai, J. Lu, Zh. Tao: Capital or know how: the role of foreign multinationals in Sino-foreign joint ventures. "China Economic Review" 2010, 22 June, s. 1-10.
- T. Buck, X. Liu, U. Ott: Long-term orientation and international joint venture strategies in modern China, "International Business Review" 2010, Vol. 19, s. 223 234.
- M.E. Bontempi, G. Prodi: Entry strategies into China: The choice between joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises. An application to the Italian manufacturing sector. "International Review of Economics and Finance" 2009, Vol. 18, s. 11-19.
- B. Li: Multinational production and choice of technologies: new evidence on skill-biased technological change from China. "Economic Letters" 2010, Vol. 108, s. 181-183.
- F. Hatani: The logic of spillower interception: the impact of global supply chains in China. "Journal of World Business" 2009, Vol. 44, s. 159-160.
- Cultural influence, questionnaire formation and manager response in Sino-American international joint ventures. "Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies" 2003, Vol. 1, Iss. 3, s. 319-325.
- T-Y. Eng, J.G. Spickett-Jones: An investigation of marketing capabilities and upgrading perfomance of manufacturers in mainland China and Hong Kong. "Journal of World Business" 2009, Vol. 44, s. 463-475.
- Y-R. Chen, Ch. Yang, S-M. Hsu, Y-D. Wang: Entry mode choice in China's regional distribution markets: institution vs. transaction costs perspectives. "Industrial Marketing Management" 2009, Vol. 38, s. 702-713.
- Ch-H. Tseng, R.P. Lee: Host environmental uncertainty and equity-based entry mode dilemma: the role of market linking capability. "International Business Review" 2010, Vol. 19, s. 407-418.
- M.E. Bontempi, G. Prodi: Entry strategies into China: the choice between joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises. An application to the Italian manufacturing sector. "International Review of Economics and Finance" 2009, Vol. 18, s. 11-19.
- E. Tse: Czy jest już zbyt późno, by wejść na rynek chiński? Harvard Business Review Polska 2010, wrzesień, s. 118.
- R. Ma, D.G. Allen: Recruiting across cultures: a value-based model of recruitment. "Human Resource Management Review" 2009, Vol. 19, s. 334-346.
- S. Mullinjer: The Coming Chinese Diaspora. Heidrick & Struggles 2007.
- Y. Todo, W. Zhang, L-A. Zhou: Knowledge spillovers from FDI in China: The role of educated labor in multinational enterprises. "Journal of Asian Economics" 2009, Vol. 20, s. 626-639.
- X. Luo, M. Hassan: The role of top management networks for market knowledge creation and sharing in China. "Journal of Business Research" 2009, Vol. 62, s. 1020-1026.
- L.T.W. cheng, R.Y.K. Chan, T.Y. Leung: Management demography and corporate perfomance: evidence from China. "International Business Review" 2010, Vol. 19, s. 261-275.
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- J.Y. Liu, S.P. Low: Work-family conflicts experienced by project managers in the Chinese construction industry. "International Journal of Project Management" 2010, 16 January, s. 1-12.
- A.H.Y. Hon, L. Lu: The mediating role of trust between expatriate procedural justice and employee outcomes in Chinese hotel industry. "International Journal of Hospitality Management" 2010, Vol. 29, s. 669-676.
- Sh. Li, H. Scullion: Developing the local competence of expatriate managers for emerging markets: a knowledge-based approach. "Journal of World Business" 2010, Vol. 45, s. 190-196.
- H-L. Cheng, C.Y.Y. Lin: Do as the large enterprises do? Expatriate selection and overseas perfomance in emerging markets: the case of Taiwan SMEs. "International Business Review" 2009, Vol. 18, s. 60-75.
- M.C. Gertsen, A-M. Soderberg: Expatriate stories about cultural encounters-a narrative approach to cultural learning processes in multinational companies. "Scandinavian Journal of Management" 2010, Vol. 26, s. 248-257.
- N. Canner, St. Palestrant: The next management crisis in China: developing and retaining highly skilled young, Insights from Katzenbach Partners' CHINA 2024: The Next Generation of Lesders Study of 114.
- Chinese MBAs, a Reprasentative Group of China's Scarcest Resourse, ManagersKatzenbach Partners Summer 2008, s. 2-6.
- Workforce issues in China: building the supply of local managers, WFD Consulting. WFD "TrendWatch" 2007, Vol. 1, Spring, s. 1.
- K. Makela, I. Bjorkman, M. Ehrnrooth: How do MNCs establish their talent pools? Influences on individuals' likelihood of being labeled as talent. "Journal of World Business" 2010, Vol. 45, s. 134-142.
- P. Iles, X. Chuai, D. Preece: Talent management and HRM in multinational companies in Beijing: Definitions, differences and drivers. "Journal of World Business" 2010, Vol. 45, s. 179-189.
- E. Hartman, E. Feisel, H. Schober: Talent management of western MNCs in China: balancing global integration and local responsiveness. "Journal of World Business" 2010, Vol. 45, s. 159-178.
- I. Tarique, R.S. Schuler: Global talent management: literature review, integrative framework and suggestions for further research. "Journal of World Business" 2010, Vol. 45, s. 122-133.
- E. Farndale, H. Scullion, P. Sparrow: The role of the corporate HR function in global talent management. "Journal of World Business" 2010, Vol. 45, s. 161.
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