Tytuł artykułu
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Research in Political Coordination in the Process of Building the Domestic Energy Market in the European Union - Structure of the Research Process
Języki publikacji
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono sekwencję działań podejmowanych w ramach procesu badawczego dotyczącego zagadnienia koordynacji politycznej w procesie budowy Rynku Wewnętrznego energii UE (RW energii). (fragment tekstu)
In this paper the sequence of actions taken within the research process concerning the issue of political coordination in the process of building the Domestic Energy Market in the European Union is described, the result of the research is a Ph.D dissertation. Within the research process three stages have been distinguished: conceptualisation of the research, determining methodological assumptions for the research and performing the research. The stage of conceptualisation of the research included, in particular, choosing the research field, defining specific research area and assuming the research perspective of political sciences. On the other hand, within the stage of defining the methodological assumptions for the research, formulation of research problems (a main and an auxiliary one), general research hypothesis as well as selection of appropriate research methods and techniques, etc. were made. Whereas performing the research consisted mainly in verification of the above-mentioned research problems, allowing for verification of the general thesis of the dissertation and making the conclusions for further research. In the conclusion main methodological challenges are discussed, which have arisen during the described research process. (original abstract)
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