Tytuł artykułu
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Internal Diversity of the European Union and the Ashby's Law - Climate-Energy Dimension
Języki publikacji
Celem niniejszego tekstu jest ukazanie specyfiki jednego z procesów "uczenia się" poprzez internalizację złożoności otoczenia zewnętrznego Unii Europejskiej przy re-formułowaniu agendy klimatyczno-energetycznej w erze postkopenhaskiej. Tym samym opracowanie nawiązuje do prawa Ashby'ego, używanego w analizie systemowej do zrozumienia procesu skutecznego zarządzania (regulowania i kontrolowania) złożonymi systemami i ich relacji z otoczeniem poprzez wykorzystanie wewnętrznej różnorodności. (fragment tekstu)
The goal of the paper is to identify the way the European Union undergoes some processes of 'learning' through the internalization of the complexities of its surroundings. The illustratory case study is based on the climate and energy policy conceptualisations after the Copenhagen Summit (December 2009) failure. The authors refer to the Ashby's law used in system analysis to understand the effective governance of complex systems and their relations with their surrounding environment, in the prism of internal complexities of the Union itself. The paper also contributes to the debate on the dilemmas that the European Union challenges after the Climate Summit in Copenhagen and tries to connect the internal (intra-EU) dimension of climate-energy package with the external dimension (beyond-Europe) of the Unions attempts to promote its way of dealing with global environmental threats. The EU's position on climate change delivers an interesting perspective on the decision making process in the supra-national polity. Its organizational model offers a unique laboratory in which many innovative institutional solutions are created and tested. (original abstract)
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