Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Structure and Dynamics of West-Pomeranian Regional Labour Market
Języki publikacji
Celem pracy było przedstawienie rynku pracy w województwie zachodniopomorskim, z uwzględnieniem ofert pracy i analizy bezrobocia. Podkreślono, iż Zachodniopomorskie należy do województw o najtrudniejszej sytuacji na rynku pracy i najniższym poziomie aktywności zawodowej.
In developing economies, where the road to a market economy is far and it is es-sential to achieving high economic growth an unemployment is extremely important. One way to develop the whole country is support various regions, what is the domain of regional policy. The paper presents the problem of unemployment from the perspective of Western Region, where for many years is particularly unfavorable. In the West-Pomerania Re-gion is very difficult situation on the labor market and the lower level of activity. Alt-hough an active policy and a significant improvement, the region has a high proportion of non-working and unemployed, including long-term unemployed and economically inactive. Over 13% of the population in the region aged 18-59 living in households in which nobody is working. The employment rate reflecting the share of employed per-sons in the total working-age population remains at the lowest level in Poland and is about 3.8 points percent. lower than the national average. No other region has not experienced such a profound collapse in 2006-2007 on the labor market. Pauperization of conduct in areas of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania province adjacent to the region, from comes the largest group of German shoppers in Szczecin. Continuing the trend may be reversed, but first you should be well researched, which is the aim of the paper.(original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
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