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With the introduction of §§ 241a and 242, paragraph 4 HGB each merchant, who does not exceed 500.000 € sales revenues and 50.000 € annual surplus in two financial years in a row, was exempted from preparing inventories and annual financial statements. These deregulation efforts are only suitable, if these merchants have a real chance to avoid annual financial statements. Therefore we pose the question, whether these merchants need structured information, such as annual financial statements, beside any legal requirement. Based on our research objective, this report will help to get an insight into the merchant's subjective perception and experience by interviewing them. The first interviews showed that only banks can be confirmed as external addressees of annual financial statements. Banks require annual financial statements as merchants take up loans to finance their companies. The internal use of annual financial statement data reveals a non-uniform picture. All interviewed merchants mentioned they control their company based on payments and payouts. Only the annual surplus is of importance to some merchants. As this data seems to be the only important financial data, we assume that the net income method would be of equal quality for planning purposes. (original abstract)
Artykuł jest raportem z badań dotyczący funkcjonowania nowych przepisów, które zwalniają placówki handlowe o przychodzie poniżej 500 tys. euro i zysku nieprzekraczającego 50 tys. euro z przedstawiania rosznych sprawozdań finansowych. Z badań wynika, że instytucje finansowe, mimo nowych zapisów domagają się tego typu sprawozdań
Opis fizyczny
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