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2005 | 1 Ład instytucjonalny w gospodarce | 87--99
Tytuł artykułu

Odrodzenie liberalizmu : koncepcja rządów prawa a zmiana w podejściu do polityki pieniężnej w ekonomii końca XX wieku

Warianty tytułu
The Rebirth of Liberalism : the Concept of Rule of Law and a Change in the Approach to the Monetary Policy in the Economics of the Late 20th Century
Języki publikacji
Artykuł zestawia koncepcję rządów prawa, cieszącą się ostatnio ponownym wzrostem zainteresowania, ze zmianami w podejściu do polityki pieniężnej w ekonomii końca XX wieku. Autor rozdziału konstatuje, że kluczowe idee z zakresu nauki o prawie są obecne nie tylko w nowej ekonomii instytucjonalnej, ale również w ekonomii głównego nurtu. (fragment tekstu)
In recent years one can observe a growing interest in the liberal concept of the rule of law in the field of both law and economics. This process has been facilitated mainly by emerging markets analysis and the study of socio-economic transformation. While the lawyers focused on how a given legal system contributes to the emergence of democracy, the economists paid special attention to relation between the quality of law and the dynamics of economic growth. The idea of the rule of law became the core of contemporary doctrine of liberalism which brings together lawyers and economists in their belief that freedom, democracy and capitalism are complementary and indispensable for one another. According to the approach dominant in economic literature, the idea of the rule of law is explicit in the New Institutional Economics which concentrates on property rights analysis. On the other hand, its influence on what has happened in the mainstream economics over the last 25 years, when keynesianism was replaced by monetarism which, together with the New Classical Economics formed the cornerstone for the revolution in monetary policy, seems underestimated. This paper argues that the model of monetary policy which is dominant today shows series of analogies to the basic assumptions of the concept of the rule of law, and that the monetary system, like the legal system, can be seen as an element of a wider aggregate: the liberal society. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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