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2008 | nr 10 Procesy transformacji układów przestrzennych na tle zmieniającego się otoczenia | 154--172
Tytuł artykułu

Adaptacja przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych - przykład Łodzi

Treść / Zawartość
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Adaptation of Industrial Enterprises - the Case of Łódź
Języki publikacji
Artykuł ma dwa cele. Celem pierwszym, poznawczym, jest identyfikacja i próba usystematyzowania strategii adaptacyjnych podejmowanych przez łódzkie przedsiębiorstwa przemysłowe w latach 1992-2003. Drugim celem, teoretycznym, jest próba zastosowania typologii form adaptacji T. Stryjakiewicza do syntezy zidentyfikowanych strategii adaptacyjnych. Dane wyjściowe pochodzą z przeprowadzonych wywiadów kwestionariuszowych, kwerendy prasowej oraz ze stron internetowych badanych przedsiębiorstw.(fragment tekstu)
This article has two objectives. The cognitive objective is to recognize and systematize the strategies of adaptation of industrial enterprises in Łódź in the years 1992-2003. The basis for the systematic arrangement are conclusions made by T. Stryjakiewicz (1999), J. Michalak and U. Dzika (2000). The other, theoretical objective is an attempt to apply the typology of forms of space adaptation of industrial enterprises presented by T. Stryjakiewicz (1999) in order to synthesise the identified strategies. The typology of T. Stryjakiewicz transfers A. Smith's (1995) conclusions into Polish science. Its theoretical basis are theories of regulation and industrial networks.Having studied the cases of fifteen companies, whose adaptation strategies were the most diverse or characteristic of a given branch, the author has systemized the identified adaptation procedures. There were eighteen different types of strategies falling into five categories: cost reduction, relocation, changes in management system, changes in the structure of production and contacts with foreign partners. While trying to classify the adaptation typology forms, besides those characterized by T. Stryjakiewicz (1999), such as deindustrializing, paternalistic and global, two additional types were recognized: local and transitional adaptation. Local adaptation, applied mostly by small enterprises, limits their activity to the local market. Those enterprises have a small adaptability and do not participate in the process of globalization. The transitional type is common to a part of medium-sized and large enterprises with Polish capital. Owning to new technologies and organization of production, they increase their adaptability and are better suited to global competition. The analysis has led to the conclusion that the kind of adaptation procedures taken by enterprises and also the result of those actions depend on the origin of the enterprises, their branch, size and the origin of capital.(original abstract)
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