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2013 | 6 | nr 2 | 20--32
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Study on the Influence of Advertising Attractiveness on the Purchase Decisions of Women and Men

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Języki publikacji
This article attempts to document differences in purchase decisions of men and women. Earlier research has found that they, due to their different upbringing and socialization along with various other social, biological and psychological factors, depict different types of consumer behaviour. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of advertising attractiveness on male and female purchase decisions. The aim of the paper is to present the authorial research procedure which proposes the usage of the theory of rough set to determine the rules of the consumers' behaviour. Implications and directions for future research are provided on the basis of the results. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • University of Basrah, Irak
  • University of Szczecin, Poland
  • University of Szczecin, Poland
  • University of Szczecin, Poland
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