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2009 | 12 | 101--119
Tytuł artykułu

Z zagadnień sprawiedliwości, miłosierdzia i prawa

Warianty tytułu
On Issues of Justice, Mercy and Law
Języki publikacji
W pierwszej części opracowania przedstawiono relacje zachodzące między pojęciem sprawiedliwości i miłosierdzia. Następnie omówiono zagadnienia dotyczące miejsca i roli miłosierdzia w sferze stosunków prawnych, a zwłaszcza w procesie stosowania prawa.
The article discusses the issues of justice, mercy and law. The first part presents three possible relations between the notions of justice and mercy. The variant providing for their complementariness is acknowledged to be the best description of the mutual relations of both of the above virtues. While perceiving the dissimilarity between justice and mercy (not only conceptual, but mainly substantial), this approach at the same time emphasises their supplementation and complementariness. The present work subsequently goes on to discuss the issue of justice and mercy within the sphere of legal relations, particularly in the process of law application. The authors allow for an act of mercy exclusively with reference to decisions made on own behalf and regarding the goods one is entitled to dispose of, thus excluding mercy from the direct determination of the results of a formalised process of law application. What may be a point of reference for public authorities within the context of institutionalised law application is mainly justice as correlated with law. It does not contradict the signifi-cance and role of the virtue of mercy in the sphere of private law relations. The next section presents the summary and conclusions stemming from the above discussion. The authors believe the requirement of justice to be indispensible with reference to law. The postulate of justice as the key value of law pertains both to the process of creation as well as application of law. In creating law in accordance with the requirements of justice, the legislator should contribute to the establishment of a just order being grounds for the formation of good social coexistence. The legislator ought to establish legal norms consonant with the generally accepted (elementary) moral norms. With the essence of law thus understood, it is also its application that needs to be perceived within the context of realising the value of justice. On the other hand, mercy in the sense adopted by the present work is not, in the strict, i.e. literal sense, possible to be realised in the processes of creation and application of law. The place of mercy within the sphere of legal phenomena is limited to private decisions an individual may make while being guided by love, forgiveness and condonation. The authors also stress that if a broad, though quite general sense of mercy as a merely abstract universal value of love was to be adopted, it would allow for the analysis of the role of this value in the processes of law creation. As seen from this perspective, on the plane of the policy of law making, justice may and should be complemented (supported) by "the postulates of mercy" wherever possible. (original abstract)
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