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2013 | 6 | nr 1 | 108--122
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Altruism or Strategy? A Study of Attributions of Responsibility in Business and its Impact on the Consumer Decision Making Process

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The principal aim of this paper is to propose a model of consumer decision making based on responsibility criteria, just as to analyze the role of consumers' attributions of business responsibility as determinants of that process. A self-reported study was conducted from a total sample of 454 Spanish consumers. Structural equations modeling with PLS was used to test the sequence between information search, information evaluation and purchase behavior based on responsibility criteria, just as the effect of value, stakeholder, strategic and egoistic-driven motivations attributed to corporate responsibility. Results support a model of responsible consumer decision making and show a different pattern of effects of social and strategic attributions on consumer behavior. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • University of León, Spain
  • University of León, Spain
  • University of León, Spain
  • University of León, Spain
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