Warianty tytułu
The Impact of the Environment on Companies according to the H. I. Ansoff Budgetary Behaviour Model
Języki publikacji
Wyniki zaprezentowanych badań empirycznych wskazują na zróżnicowanie w zakresie oddziaływania otoczenia na funkcjonowanie przedsiębiorstw. Model zachowania budżetowego H. I. Ansoffa jest jedną z możliwych propozycji w zakresie analizy intensywności interakcji, występujących między przedsiębiorstwem a jego otoczeniem. Stwierdzone i zaprezentowane prawidłowości wymagają jednak dalszej weryfikacji empirycznej, pozwalającej na uwzględnienie specyfiki poszczególnych branż. (abstrakt autora)
When analysing the environment of every organisation it should be borne in mind that they are neither self-sufficient nor isolated from the environment: on the contrary, they exchange resources with their environment and are dependent on it. It is confirmed by the permanent interaction between an organisation and its environment. The company is not incapacitated and condemned to the adjustment process only. The storminess of the environment in which the majority of companies operate allows form the assumption that the adjustment is not the only appropriate way for the company to react to the changing operation conditions. The mutual impact is necessary and it is manifested through the ideal adjustment to the undergoing changes as well as the dynamic appearance of non-adjustment. The most conspicuous and common operation of every organisation is the process of allocation of the resources possessed. The Ansoff model, which is the subject of this study, describes the budgeting process (resources allocation) as the key form of strategic corporate behaviour indicates the implications of this process for this process from the perspective of the organisation environment. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of the environment on the operation of Polish companies with consideration to the specificity of the budgetary behaviour model. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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