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2013 | nr 4 | 9--30
Tytuł artykułu

Suwerenność państwa w koncepcji integracyjnej Alcide De Gasperiego

Treść / Zawartość
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State's Sovereignty in the Integration Concept of Alcide De Gasperi
Języki publikacji
Alcide De Gasperi (1881-1954) zajmuje niekwestionowane miejsce w gronie europejskich "Ojców Założycieli". Nie podważając tego twierdzenia ani nie ujmując niczego talentom De Gasperiego, uznać jednak musimy, że nigdy nie zaprezentował dopracowanych założeń teoretycznych własnego autorstwa, zwłaszcza zaś odnoszących się do szczegółowych rozwiązań prawno-ustrojowych. Zwykł raczej komentować swe konkretne poczynania, co znajdowało odzwierciedlenie w treści jego osobistych zapisków bądź listów do bliskich i współpracowników. Nadawało to jego rozważaniom politycznym bardzo konkretny charakter i czyniło zeń raczej "myślącego polityka" niźli myśliciela politycznego.(fragment tekstu)
Alcide de Gasperi (1881-1954) represented the most expedient approach to the problem of integration. As a result, from among all the European Founding Fathers it was he who presented the least theoretically refined political vision. He should be recognised as a neo-Thomist who wanted to restore a lost unity of the Christian nations. Europe without wars did not mean actual peace for him. States had to establish a close co-operation. They were expected to limit their sovereignty and combine its attributes. It led to the setting-up of a new kind of organization, i.e. 'a community'. The idea of transferring 'sovereign rights' to international institutions (coined by Jean Monnet) was not adopted by De Gasperi. Thereby 'a community' was formed by the member states, which - at most - suffered and tolerated actions performed by it in precisely determined scopes of activity. Hence De Gasperi's vision was the most conservative from all those presented by the Fathers. As a sworn democrat, he accentuated the importance of the community's democratic legitimacy. This explains his opinion on the crucial role of the Assembly in the institutional scheme of the community. The Assembly provided a 'political momentum' and political control over various structures operating in the two areas of 'high politics': defence and foreign policy. It was thanks to De Gasperi's initiative that the significant article 38 was added to the European Defence Community Treaty. By virtue of this article, the signatories of the Treaty took a solemn commitment to establish a political community grounded on two classic constitutional ideas: division of powers and bicameral parliament. Nevertheless, a unity of the European nations, which all De Gasperi's efforts served to bring about, should be acknowledged as a model of confederacy.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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