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1999 | nr 10 Proceedings of the Ace/Phare Conference on Building Financial Institutions in Transition Economies: Poznań, Poland, 14-15 May, 1999 | 444--463
Tytuł artykułu

Business Groups, Financial Markets and Economic Development: the Case of India

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Subject of the role of business groups in DCs and LDCs is highly topical at the moment: * economic problems in Japan and the question to what extent the Keiretsu system should be changed * economic recession in Korea and Indonesia and the role played by conglomerates * economic transition in Russia and the dominant role of business-finance groups Aim of this paper is to give an overview of the literature on the role business groups play in economic development. Furthermore, the paper provides an overview of a research project that aims at investigating the role business groups have played in the economic development in India during the past few decades. The outline of this paper is as follows: * definition of a Business Group and its importance in DCs and LDCs * explaining the existence of Business Groups * The case of India * Data set * future research topics (original abstract)
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