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2002 | nr 20 Foreign Banks and Economic Transition: Papers in Progress | 219--237
Tytuł artykułu

Foreign Banks and Development of Commercial Banking in Lithuania

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Języki publikacji
The main results of a sample survey undertaken among Lithuanian foreign owned (Hansabank, Vilnius Bank, Nord/LB-Viinius, Parex Bank, Sampo Bank, Kredyt Bank) and domestic (Lithuania's Saving Bank, Medicinos Bank, Siauliu Bankas and Agricultural Bank of Lithuania) commercial banks are presented and analysed. In addition some historical and theoretical overview of Lithuania's banking system development under the currency board arrangement is presented. The aims of our survey were those - to identify the reasons for foreign banks coming and staying in the host market country, to evaluate competitive advantages and disadvantages and impact of foreign banks entry, to evaluate domestic banks prospects and strategy, and to identify the foreign and domestic banks governance and management. The survey results revealed that foreign owned banks start to predominate in corporate financing, new products offering and credit risk management (original abstract)
  • Vilnius University, Lithuania
  • Banneijee, B., V. Koen, T. Krueger, M. S. Lutz, M. Marrese, and Tapio 0. Saavalainen (1995). Road Maps of the Transition: The Baltics, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Russia. IMF Occasional Paper
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