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2013 | nr 2 | 48--57
Tytuł artykułu

Decyzje ekonomiczne i społeczne z perspektywy pogranicza neuronauk oraz nauk o zarządzaniu

Treść / Zawartość
Warianty tytułu
Economic and Social Decisions from the Management and Neuroscience Borderline
Języki publikacji
Dzięki rozwojowi najnowszych metod neuroobrazowania mózgu pojawiła się możliwość ich wykorzystania do pogłębienia wiedzy z innych gałęzi nauki, w tym nauk o zarządzaniu. Artykuł zawiera podsumowanie najnowszych badań z pogranicza neuronauk oraz zarządzania. Zostały w nim wnikliwie opisane przede wszystkim dane dotyczące decyzji ekonomicznych oraz decyzji społecznych, których przesłanki wynikają ze sposobu funkcjonowania konkretnych obszarów mózgu. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Thanks to dynamic developments in brain neuroimagining methods it has become possible to apply such methods in researching other branches of science such as management. This article is mainly focused on recent results concerning both neuroscience and management. Exact brain areas play an important part in making social and economic decisions, which is described in detail. The presented results make it possible to draw a conclusion that decision making in management is a multidimensional subject and must be perceived and researched as such. It can be viewed as a result of mainly external factors (e.g. supply and demand laws), psychological factors (probability estimation) or neuronal factors namely the brain correlates decision making. We are strongly convinced that from a theoretical point of view it is crucial to embrace all three perspectives in decision making in order to obtain a clear and full picture of this fascinating process. It is the key to understanding how not only neural mechanisms (subjective factors) but also external factors (objective) are the roots of the decision making process. Finally, knowledge about the brain mechanisms that are taking part in decision making can be applied in the creation of educational training programs aimed at increasing the efficiency of decision making by means of EEG biofeedback and trust management. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
  • Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
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