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2010 | 2 | nr 92 | 26--45
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Związki o właściwościach przeciwutleniających i ich wpływ na zdrowie człowieka

Warianty tytułu
The Compounds Having Antioxidant Properties and Their Beneficial Effect on Human Health
Języki publikacji
Procesy utleniania zachodzące w komórkach, jeżeli są pod kontrolą reakcji przeciwutleniających należą do zjawisk naturalnych. W ich wyniku powstaje energia konieczna do inicjowania procesów metabolicznych. W przypadku zachwiania równowagi powstają aktywne chemicznie wolne rodniki. Wchodzą one w łańcuchowe reakcje utleniające z biocząsteczkami w komórce (lipidami, białkami, sacharydami, materiałem genetycznym), w wyniku których powstają szkodliwe produkty mogące uszkodzić materiał genetyczny. Zmiany te mogą dać początek wielu chorobom, również nowotworowym. Procesy utleniania wewnątrzkomórkowego mogą hamować polifenole - grupa związków wytwarzanych przez rośliny. Wprowadzone do organizmu z pokarmem utrzymują one w komórkach równowagę między reakcjami utleniania i przeciwutleniania i nie dopuszczają do pojawiania się zjawisk niekorzystnych.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Although oxygen is the most important element for aerobic life, it has also been shown, however to parcipitate in a number of toxic chemical reactions. In particular, lipid oxidation, known as rancidity, is a toxic chemical reaction that commonly occurs in food and is a major cause of quality changes involving aroma, flavour, taste, texture, consistency appearance and nutritional values. Oxidation is a metabolic process that leads to energy production necessary for essential cell activities. However, metabolism of oxygen in living cells also leads to the unavoidable production of oxygen - derived free radicals commonly known as reactive oxygen species. These free radicals attack the unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, carbohydrates and genetic material (DNA) in the cell. These destructive changes in the biological systems lead to cell inactivation and cause many diseases. The use of antioxidants being obtained from natural sources have been shown to be involved in the prevention of such oxidative deterioration. Recently polyphenolic compounds have attracted lots of attention as antioxidants. Polyphenolic compounds are amoung the most widely distributed plant secondary metabolities and are found in many plants as food. Polyphenolics as the antioxidants can either prevent free radical formation, inhibit free radical chain propagation reactions and may act by raising the levels of edogenous defences by up-regulating the expression of genes encoding the enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutation peroxidase and lipid peroxidase. Polyphenolic compounds have been shown to be strong free radical scavenging activity and they play an important role in preventing diseases related to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress arrising from an imbalance between free radicals accumulation and defense mechanisms in the body, contributes to oxygen stress induced diseases such as cancer, ulcer, brain disfunction, hearth diseases, diabetes, artherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases. Fruits, vegetables, red wine, olive oil, caffee, tea, cocoa, medicinal plants and many various edible plants are rich in antioxidants. Scientific studies have provided evidence of beneficial health effects of dietary fruits, vegetables and other edible plants and the beneficial effects have been attributed to polyphenolic compounds as antioxidants. (original abstract)
  • Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
  • Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
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