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2012 | 2 | nr 1 | 16--27
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The Fight Against Unfair Competition in Poland in the Years 1918-1939

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The most important aspects concerning the combating of unfair competition in pre-war Poland are analysed in this study: factors determining the necessity of introducing a uniform, common legal regime binding across the whole territory of Poland are discussed, the genesis of the Polish law combating unfair competition of 2.08.1926 are examined, certain shortcomings of the law, which led to the revision of the act, in 1927, are characterized, attention is paid to the positive acceptance of the law by Polish and foreign doctrine (French and German). (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • University of Wrocław, Poland
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  • Stenographic report of 289th session of the Sejm on 01.07.1926.
  • Stenographic report of 290th session of the Sejm on 05.07.1926.
  • Stenographic report of the 134th Senate session on 23.07.1926.
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  • The decree of Council of Ministers of 14 March 1928 about salesmade in trade (Journal of Laws 1928, No 41, item 395).
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  • Report of the President of the Codification Committee, Rector Fr X Fierich, delivered at the joint meeting of the Legal Committee of the Sejm and Senate on 21 March 1927, [in:] Komisja Kodyfikacyjna Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Dział Ogólny, vol. 1, issue 10, Warsaw1927, p. 271.
  • Union Internationale pour la protection de la propriété industrielle: Actes de la Conférencereunie a la Haye du 8 octobre au 6 novembre 1925, (1926) Berne 473-474.
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  • Dolata T.,Ustawa o zwalczaniu nieuczciwej konkurencji z 1926 roku. Charakterystyka ogólna (2006) 2887 "Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis", Prawo CCXCVIII, 241-259.
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