nr 25 A New All-European Development Model in an Enlarged EU : Social and Economic Aspects
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The Eastwards European Union expansion recommends an undertaking with various political, economic and social extensions. The transfer of population from the ten new countries to the EU countries-members constitutes an important parameter of the expected expansion consequences. EU, in the frame of the configuration of its common migratory policy, decided not to allow the free transfer of country workers of first wave expansion, and to apply transient provisions within seven (7) years, during which the national states will be able to determine autonomously the policy that they intend to follow towards the migrants. Although the previous EU expansions, and especially the one to its southern part, did not lead to mass transfers of workers to more developed economies of the so called EEC, the issue of the expected migration volume from the East as well as its effects is important, as it touches upon and affects both the EU and its countries-members; consequently, it was and still is of considerable interest to the researchers. The current article aims both at presenting and commenting on certain sides of migration that the integration of Eastern Europe countries in the EU is expected to cause. (original abstract)
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Opis fizyczny
- Technological Education Institute of Kavala, Greece
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
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