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2012 | nr 12 Zróżnicowanie przestrzeni społeczno-ekonomicznej - wybrane problemy | 163--187
Tytuł artykułu

Poczucie bezpieczeństwa w centrach handlowych : przykład badań opinii klientów Galerii Łódzkiej i Manufaktury w Łodzi

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The Sense of Security in the Shopping Centres : the Analysis of Customers Feedback in Galeria Łódzka and Manufaktura in Łódź
Języki publikacji
Dla każdego człowieka niezwykle istotne jest zapewnienie sobie i bliskim bezpieczeństwa. Jest to jeden z podstawowych stanów, którego osiągnięcie stanowi podstawę naszej jakości życia. Osiągnięcie poczucia bezpieczeństwa idzie w parze ze zmniejszeniem niepokojów i stresów, pojawieniem się uczucia komfortu, harmonii. Poczucie to ogranicza lęki i dyskomfort związany ze strachem. Oczywiście bezpieczeństwo można rozpatrywać na różnych płaszczyznach (np. jako stan zabezpieczenia przed utratą życia, zdrowia, pracy, autorytetu, uczuć, majątku) i w różnej skali (globalnej, narodowej, społecznej, osobistej). W tym opracowaniu podjęta zostanie próba opisania poczucia bezpieczeństwa, czyli braku zagrożenia przestępczością u klientów wybranych centrów handlowych w Łodzi. Artykuł będzie dotyczył oceny zagrożenia przestępczością na obszarze dwóch centrów handlowych: Galerii Łódzkiej i Manufaktury. Poziom bezpieczeństwa percypowanego przez klientów zostanie opisany na podstawie opinii uzyskanych od klientów tych centrów handlowych w trakcie badań kwestionariuszowych. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The correlation between the actual level and intensity of crime and the fear of crime is very complex and full of the paradoxes, which has often been analyzed in the literature (Krajewski 2007; Mordwa 2010, 2011). As far as the analysis of the customer's feedback in two shopping centres in Łódź is concerned, it turned out that in this case we have the situation rather explicit. Low actual level of risk (established on the basis of the victimization research) is accompanied by a high sense of security among customers. This sense of security is reflected in both the low assessment of the risk of victimization, and the risk of different types of threats and offences. In the analysis of customer feedback in Galeria Łódzka and in Manufaktura only in a few issues there were significant differences. Generally, the structure of the response was very similar for both groups of surveyed customers. This may prove that there is a similar state of security and its perception in the both research areas. This state is independent of the specificity of the tested shopping centre. With a significant degree of probability, it can be presumed that this results from is the real level of crime and insecurity but not from the techniques and procedures used. Prevention and reduction of crime in the areas of shopping centres is very important issue for their owners. Crime is probably reduced to the attainable minimum, not to deter potential customers. It turned out that the high level of security in such conditions is varied not so much. The research has revealed a number of associations and correlations between socio-demographic characteristics of respondents and their expressed opinions and attitudes to crime and security on the one hand, but also between the different variables of sense of security on the other. This is described in details the article, but what is important in summary, is the fact that influences and correlations between features and variables are not fixed and unambiguous in all analyzed in this research subjects. The influence of sex and age on various aspects of security is most confirmed, although this isn't always significant. Among other characteristics of the respondents having an impact on the variability of their responses the level of education and political affiliation should be included. (original abstract)
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