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2002 | 9 | nr 4 | 2--18
Tytuł artykułu

Strategic Dilemmas and Options for Business-oriented Education in Poland

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The countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), which have been experiencing systemic transformation since 1990, have found themselves in a particularly difficult situation. Compared with the more engrained market economies their educational systems were poorly developed: especially in the realm of higher education. For all practical purposes, there was no education for business needs. It is true, though, that from the mid-1960s universities in Poland, the then Czechoslovakia and Hungary did offer narrowly focused business management courses. These concentrated on organisational theory, or on detailed organisational matters within the framework of sector economics. But after 1990 transforming education for business became a priority in CEE. The changes made in education for business, and the experience gained, have allowed many relevant problems to be identified. These are relevant throughout Europe and not only in CEE. Solving them will determine whether or not Europe is to be a continent involved in knowledge based business. The paper proposes to look at these problems from the viewpoint of certain paradoxes of management. (fragment of text)
Opis fizyczny
  • Leon Koźmiński Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management, Poland
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  • Dietl, J. and Sapijaszka, Z. (2001) (eds) Podniesienie jakości studiów warunkiem przetrwania i rozwoju na rynku usług edukacyjnych [Improving the quality of studies as a condition for the survival and development of the educational services market]. Conference materials. Łódź: Enterprise Education Foundation, "Forum" Association, KRUN
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  • Kwiatkowski, S. and Edwinsson, L. (1999) (eds) "Intellectual Entrepreneurship". Knowledge Café Series. Warsaw: Leon Koźmiński Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management
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  • Wawrzyniak, B. (2002) Lekcja dla kandydatów do Unii Europejskiej [A lesson for the EU candidate countries]. Master of Business Administration. Warsaw: Leon Koźmiński Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management, May-June
  • World Bank (2002). Conference materials of the "Using Knowledge for Development in EU Accession Countries" conference, Paris, 19-22 February
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