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1990 | nr 2 | 3--208
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Migracje ludności wiejskiej obszaru wybitnie rolniczego (na przykładzie województwa ciechanowskiego)

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Problem migracji ludności wiejskiej jest wciąż aktualny. Pomimo zahamowania procesu uprzemysłowienia i redukcji miejsc pracy w dużych, uspołecznionych zakładach pracy, istnieją znaczne możliwości na tworzenie sobie samemu miejsc pracy w sferze pozarolniczej i do tego często poza wytwórczością produkcyjną. Z kolei względne podrożenie i częściowa likwidacja monopolizacji skupu i sprzedaży artykułów rolniczych spowodowała obniżenie popytu na żywność pochodzenia krajowego, a tym samym wpłynęła na obniżenie dochodów ludności rolniczej. Ponadto wzrost cen na produkty pochodzenia przemysłowego i na usługi rolnicze wpłynął na nieopłacalność produkcji rolniczej wielu gospodarstw. Ich właściciele i współwłaściciele będą poszukiwać dochodów poza rolnictwem, a tym samym część z nich będzie zmuszona opuszczać dotychczasowe miejsca zamieszkania. Migracje ludności wiejskiej są zróżnicowane zarówno w czasie, jak i regionalnie.
Aim of the research consists in finding regularities in permanent translocations of rural population in an extremely agricultural, weakly urbanized territory being under a weak influence of two big agglomerations: Warsaw and Gdańsk. An important railway line runs across this land. It connects Warsaw and Gdańsk, with the towns situated along it. These are: Nasielsk, Ciechanów, Mława, Działdowo, and another - less important railway line: Warsaw - Toruń, running through Nasielsk and Płońsk, and the third one, connecting Działdowo with Lidzbark Welski and further - with Brodnica (Toruń Voivodeship). None of the 9 towns lying in the territory of Ciechanów Voivodeship is bigger than 50 000 inhabitants and 4 of these under 7 000. Ciechanów, which became a voivodeship centre in 1975, is the most swiftly developing town. Development of the remaining towns is slow, and this is why their impact as centres attracting population is weak. Employment in agriculture in the territory of Ciechanów voivodeship is fairly low, when compared with the rest of Poland, and in 1978 it amounted to 23 persons, at average. Decisive majority of arable lands are included in private farms, with the incomes from agriculture per one person with agricultural source of maintenance higher than average in the country. Farmers in this voivodeship grow a lot of vegetables, fruits (especially raspberries), which are easily sold in Warsaw agglomeration. This voivodeship lies next to the best-developed capital region, and on the other side - it neighbours the most poorly developed Ostrołęka voivodeship. Dynamics of the real population increase in Ciechanów voivodeship was far lower than average for the country over the post-war period. Do such location of Ciechanów voivodeship in the system of settlement of the country, as well as level and dynamics of its development exert an impact on the variability of migration direcations and socio-demographic structure of migrating persons? Research period Includes years 1976-1985. Spatial aspect of migration analysis included town, village, voivodeships (divided into town, village, sex of migrants and children ac-companying adult persons), as well as all towns of Ciechanów voivodeship by name and bigger towns of the country, which showed significant migratory links with Ciechanów voivodeship. Moreover, trans locations of population between the gminas of Ciechanów voivodeship have been included. This also covered neighbouring areas. The author also tries to answer the quwstion in what way the direction of migration (town, village) and distance influence demographic structure of translocating persons. In Part I of the work, the author indicated, that natural increase rate in the village of Ciechanów voivodeship (15,7% In 1950) was below the average for the whole country. In 1960 the increase was higher (17,5$) than average for the country. In 1970 it fell again (9,8%) below the average rate in the country. It was similar In 1988 (6,3%). Gminas situated along railway lines are characteristic of a higher natural increase. Currently, natural Increase in local systems of the discussed voivodeship is more differentiated than it used to be in the 1970. Intensity of population inflow into the territory of Ciechanów voivodeship oscillated below the average for the country. Gminas lying along the most important railway lines and the ones near developing centres are characteristic of higher intensities of both - population inflow and outflow. In years 1976-1988 spatial differences in the intensity of migration among gminas of Ciechanów voivodeship. Rate of migratory population loss was lower in gminas close to towns and the ones characteristic of higher employment outside agriculture. Part II of the work includes a discussion of migration directions. Share of persons coming from rural areas in inflow amounted to 75,5%-68,2%. Share own voivodeship (village and town jointly) in inflow oscillated from 46% to 57%. Decreasing of inflow from centres below 50 000 inhabitants becomes distinctly visible in inflow from towns. Similar tendencies have been observed in outflow. This wasaccompanied by outflow and inflow of population from rural areas to towns of the mother region. In years 1976-1988 Olsztyn voivodeship occupied second place (after Ciechanów voivodeship) in population inflow into rural areas, shares of the remaining voivodeships (except Toruń voivodeship) underwent significant changes. Role of population from voivodeships of western territories, northern, south-western, southern and eastern voivodeships, i.e. farthest territories, decreased. This is a result of deterioration of family relationships with the regions of former migration territories. For the nearer areas - share of persons inflowing from towns was lower than urban development of these voivodeships. More males than females inflew from rural and further areas, and - moreover - these translocations were rather individual than family by character. Basic stream of population inflow was directed to urban areas (from 55% to 62%). Population outflowing to mother voivodeship amounted to from 42,3% in 1976 to 61,2% in 1988, because there proceeds a process of shortening of translocation distances, connected with an apparent decrease in outflow into northern, western south-eastern and eastern territories. Important places in population outflow were occupied by the Capital, next - Olsztyn, Płock, Ostrołęka, Gdańsk and Katowice voivodeships. Over the recent years, the roles of Gdansk and Płock voivodeships become less, while that of Katowice volvodeship - more important. Shorter-distance outflow Involved more females, while longer-distance ones - more males. More single persons outflew to farter territories and to towns. In years 1976-1988 negative balance of population in Ciechanów voivodeship oscillated from 5 300 to 2 600. Ciechanów rural areas lost their population almost exclusively to towns. Share of the balance lost to towns of Ciechanów voivodeship in total balance of population oscillated between 30,8% in 1976 to 70% in 1985 and 64% in 1988. Apart from the towns of Ciechanów voivodeship, population was lost to the Capital voivodeship, nex - Katowice, Olsztyn, Płock and Gdańsk voivodeships. The discussed voivodeship had a positive migration balance with eastern regions of poorer economic development. Thus, Ciechanów village played the role of a link in the all-country system of population translocations. Ciechanów village lost more males than females to territories at a longer distance. Most numerous groups of persons inflowing in the village of Ciechanów voivodeship consisted of persons agend 20-24, next - 25-29 and children aged 0-4. Over the period under analysis share of persons aged 20-24, 15-19 and over 65 in inflow fell, while that of persons aged 25-34 and children aged 5-9 increased. Less persons over 50 and more children aged 0-9 came from rural than urban areas, Females considerably prevailed in outflow rather than in inflow, with the prevailence of females over males in inflow to towns being significant. Domination of famales over males decreased over the period under analysis. Similarly to inflow, share if persons aged 20-24 in outflow was biggest, but the share of this group also decreased from 27,6% in 1976 to 19,5% in 1988, while the share of persons aged 27-39 and children aged 0-9 grew. There was also observed a decrease in the outflow of persons aged 15-19 and over 45. Relatively more persons aged 20-29 and children aged 0-4 accompanying them outflow to rural than urban areas. In the years under analysis there occurred big changes in the age structure of rural population outflowing to towns in Ciechanów voivodeship. There occurred a big decrease in the outflow of young population aged 15-19 and persons aged 20-24, 50-55 and over 65. Share of females aged 15-29 in the negative balance in 1976 amounted to 62,0% in 1987 and 40,3% in 1987, while that of males - respectively - 55,4% and 36,6%. Division into smaller age groups shows, that Ciechanów village lost different groups of females and males in years 1976, 1980 and 1988. Loss of these age groups in the division into sex of the migrants was also spatially differentiated. Excluding children accompanying their parents in migration, balance of migration shows, that in 1976 Ciechanów village lost most population with elementary education, next - vocational and secondary educations, while in 1988 - with vocational, secondary educations, persons with elementary education occupying the third place. Negative balance also occurred among population with higher education. In spite of this, number of persons with higher education grows in Ciechanów rural areas. This is the effect of extramural studies undertaken be the inhabitants of villages. In the last, 5th part of the work there was made a typology of gminas on the base of J.W. Webb's method. In years 1976-1980 among the total of 46 gminas there occurred only two gminas of developmental type "A" and as many as 43 gminas, in which there occurred prevailence of migratory loss over the natural increase (type "H"). In years 1981-1985 there were 9 gminas of developmental type "A" and 37 of "H" type. Thus, decisive majority of Ciechanów voivodeship territory represents depopulation type, as a result falling natural increase, at a minor decrease in migration balance and the simultaneously proceeding population aging process. In 1970 there were 5 gminas classified as demographically young and no gminas with excessively old population (share of population aged 65 and over amounted to more than 14%), while in 1988 there were 1 demographically young gmina and 8 with excessivelly aged population, and most of gminas were classified as demographically old (12-14% population aged 65 and over). Aging of rural population of Ciechanów voivodeship is a result of - to a greater extent - of migration than general aging processes of population in Poland. Spatial and demographic analysis of migration of rural population of Ciechanów voivodeship confirms general laws of migration formulated over 100 years ago by E.G. Revestein. Some differences in spatial and demographic structures of translocations result from the changing socio-economic situation of Poland, former migratory population conditioning caus-ed by changes of Polish boarder and the location of the voivodeship in the settlement system of the country. This analysis apparently shows, that most migrations are short-distance translocations, to the nearest towns. Therefore, it can be stated, that rural population makes a demographic background for towns, but simultaneously - part of population from towns migrate to rural areas. In this way, certain migratory sub- regions are created. Under the conditions of Ciechanów voivodeship, in spite of the growing role of the towns of the region in receiving permanent settlement of rural population, part of its inhabitants move to the more intensively developed regions, financing their development in this way. Moreover - with in the system of translocations - considerable part of urban population of Ciechanów voivodeship - former inhabitants of rural areas - migrate to bigger urban centres in the country. As it can be seen, system of rural population translocations in a rural region is very complicated and it demands further studies. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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