Warianty tytułu
Directions of Transformations in Social Infrastructure and Housing Management in the Suwałki Region
Języki publikacji
Infrastruktura społeczna jest częścią ogólnej infrastruktury kraju lub regionu, będącą ważnym elementem w systemie gospodarki narodowej oraz w życiu społeczeństwa. Najogólniej można określić, że infrastruktura społeczna świadczy usługi "zaspokajające potrzeby człowieka o charakterze jednostkowym, niezbędne dla tworzenia i funkcjonowania sfery produkcyjnej w sposób bezpośredni i pośredni". Najnowsze definicje, tworzone często bezpośrednio dla celów badawczych, zwracają uwagę przede wszystkim na człowieka i zaspokajanie określonych potrzeb, wyraźnie akcentując, że chodzi o potrzeby kulturalne i socjalne. Dodaje się także, iż powinno odbywać się to w sposób zorganizowany i służyć realizacji postępu społecznego, gdyż działalność infrastruktury społecznej dotyczy tych sfer życia, które stanowią to harmonijnym rozwoju społeczeństwa.
Social infrastructure is a part total infrastructure of a country or region, being an important constituent of the national economy system and life of the society. The level of its development in a region depends to a large extent on the level of economy development, and in particular - industrialization. Low level of industrialization of Suwalskie Voivodeship and - as a result - low level of urban development exert impact on generally excessive investment outlays for the region, particularly explicit in infrastructural equipment. Method of administrating the economy, and especially the distribution of investment means are for some weight for the infrastructural equipment. The excessive centralization of planning and management existing in the past, ensued in dychtomy of the country into the regions of sufficient investment outlays /main investment centres/ and the regions /particularly agricultural regions of secondery importance/. The opportunity to improve the negligence in the state of infrastructural equipment was provided by the new administrative division of the country in 1975. This fact resulted in the improvement of some negligences in infrastructural equipment. On the other hand, the crisis phenomena of the eighties exorted the necessity of introducing selective changes in most indispensable spheres of everyday life /housing, health service, education/ which caused the reduction of outlays for other divisions /art and culture/. Among the divisions of social infrastructure, most beneficial situation can be observed in education, and the remaining divisions of social infrastructure /mainly health service and social care/ are characteristic of considerably larger insufficience when compared with the needs. The infrastructural equipment existing in the region and the observed directions of transformations in the state of social infrastructure and housing are adjusted to the current structure of the region. Although the intrinsic changes in the structure of the region /and such changes occur as a result of possible industrialization/ will require new infrastructural devices and extensive investment means for these divisions of social life. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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