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2014 | nr 35 Technologie informatyczne w służbie zdrowia | 339--363
Tytuł artykułu

Serwisy WWW jako instrument kształtowania relacji z klientem usług medycznych

Warianty tytułu
Websites as an instrument of developing relationships with customers in medical services
Języki publikacji
Intensywny rozwój technologii informatycznych związany z gospodarczymi zastosowaniami Internetu spowodował szerokie rozpowszechnienie handlu elektronicznego (e-commerce) oraz usług świadczonych kanałami elektronicznymi (usługi on-line, e-usługi). W związku z tym serwisy WWW mogą pełnić rolę instrumentów kształtowania relacji z klientem. W prezentowanym artykule podjęto ten temat w odniesieniu do sektora usług medycznych. Szczegółowo sformułowano następujące cele: wstępna walidacja metody oceny jakości użytkowej serwisów WWW usług medycznych oraz określenie związków między postrzeganymi przez użytkownika charakterystykami jakości użytkowej serwisu WWW a satysfakcją, chęcią powrotu oraz rekomendowania serwisu innym osobom.(fragment tekstu)
The article discusses the problem of evaluating the usability of websites promoting medical services in the context of developing relationships and loyalty of prospective e-customers. The objective of the study was (a) a preliminary validation of methods aimed to evaluate usability of selected medical websites and (b) the determination of potential relationships between the usability features of a website and three relational features: satisfaction, willingness to return and intention to recommend the website to others. Experimental studies were carried out on a sample of Polish on-line services users (n = 15) and included two websites (n = 2) owned by private health organisations. During this experimental usability test, all subjects performed the same task, which consisted of choosing a doctor (taking into account the social factor, i.e. opinions and recommendations), based on information provided on the website about required diagnostic tests and registration procedures. Next, participants filled in a questionnaire aimed to assess performance and relational factors. The method for websites usability evaluation contained nine factors: visual clarity, ease of use, user guidance, information content, interactivity with the vendor, personalisation, service demonstration, recommendations and customer care. Relational factors included: customer satisfaction from the use of the website, willingness to return to the website, and intention to recommend the website to a friend. The proposed method graded the websites of institutions providing medical services and was also confirmed by an analysis of profile similarities: the top rated characteristics were visual clarity and ease of use, the lowest scores concerned recommendations and service demonstration. Amajority of the usability characteristics were mutually correlated, except for the recommendations factor. The higher the score for the website's usability, the greater the satisfaction, willingness to return and intention to recommend the website to others. The weakest relationship was observed between the factor recommendations and satisfaction and the willingness to return. Preliminary validation of the evaluation method for websites usability has been confirmed. Usability characteristics of medical services websites were correlated with relational factors. The development potential of the evaluated websites is related to their usability characteristics: ease of use, user guidance, service demonstration and customer care. However, in the future the factor recommendations may have a more significant position.(original abstract)
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