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2000 | nr 13 Uwarunkowania środowiskowe strategii marketingowych w wybranych sektorach gospodarki | 249--267
Tytuł artykułu

Istota, funkcje i struktura planu marketingowego przedsiębiorstwa (na podstawie analizy literatury problemu)

Warianty tytułu
The Essence, Function and Structure of the Marketing Plan of an Enterprise on the Basis of the Analysis of the Literature
Języki publikacji
Plan marketingowy jest integralną częścią biznes planu, a informacje w nim zawarte mogą mieć wpływ na tworzenie i realizację pozostałych planów cząstkowych. Plan ten ustala cele rynkowe przedsiębiorstwa i sugeruje strategię umożliwiającą osiągnięcie tych celów. Jest zarówno planem działania, jak i dokumentem. Powinien wskazywać najbardziej obiecujące możliwości dla przedsiębiorstwa, a także określać sposób penetracji, osiągnięcia i utrzymania pozycji na określonych rynkach. Jest narzędziem, za pomocą którego można połączyć wszystkie elementy kompozycji marketingowej w skoordynowany plan działania.(fragment tekstu)
The analysis and planning as two crucial marketing management functions directly influence the company's market success. Therefore, they may not be overestimated in any market environment. Undoubtedly, every conscious human activity is preceded by the cognition and planning phases. However, they both may be unaware by a man. Marketing maintains the specific interfunction within the marketing management system. Thus, the planning referring to this area has a superior character if compared to the other divisions of the company's activity (as for instance production or finance). The strategic planning of marketing which results in the mission and targets definitions and the basic strategic assumptions determine the contents of the strategic plans of production, finance and R & D. It also settles the ground for the more detailed tactical plans. Sufficiency of the planning process is dependent on the company's competencies as far as the abilities of the right assessment of its market situation are concerned. Since the market conditions change rapidly, the company has to respond to these changes by modifying its strategy and plans. This kind of planning called the continuous planning if applied in the marketing (which is focused on the market and product and is the instrument of managing and co-ordinating the market activities) and if grounded on the systematic knowledge of the market environment determines the company's market success. So far the marketing plan classification is a visible divergence of the opinions in the subject's literature. The different opinions are presented in this article and the optimal approach (according to the author) has been selected, i.e.: marketing plan is the business plan component and it is a tactical plan for it refers to the relatively short period of time. Last part of the article presents the marketing plans typology as well as the marketing plan building procedure. (original abstract)
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